hibiki kohaku

hibiki kohaku is a g and a baller. he makes big money. he is so cool. he will probably end up being my secondary, since i feel like i actually have to think to play him and i hate thinking. he is pretty cool though and playing him taught me how to actually dp. wow. graphic design is my passion.

general strategy

jump c babyyyy


the combos i'm using for hibiki i found on his dustloop entry.


5A > 5BB > 3C > 214C

2C > 236AB > 2C > 236AC
anti-air combo


5B > 5C > 6C(1) > j236A.dB > 66B > 6D > d.5C > 6C(1) > j236A.dB > 66B > 6D > 4B > 5C > 2C > 6C(1) > j236A.C


hibiki discord.
dustloop entry for hibiki kohaku
hibiki neutral tips and tricks
high-level hibiki matches
simple frame data

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